Hey, nice to meet you! My name is Tamara Bazko. I'm developing since 2012. It has been a long and entertaining journey since then. It all started with HTML, CSS and jQuery back in Ukraine. I do remember even websites built with tables. Had to support some... Getting old, eh? Since then I've enjoyed (or not) many other technologies.
Used things like Grunt, Gulp, SCSS, BackboneJS around 2014-2015. Learnt pretty decently VanillaJS, including ES6 and ES7. Started working with NodeJS around 2016, with React and React Native, Webpack. Got familiar with SQL / NoSQL databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB. In 2017 or so "Full stack" became a big word, so started picking up and working with more of infrastracture things like: Heroku, AWS, Docker, CI/CD tools (Jenkins, Travis, lately CircleCI). If any doubts, yes, I also know what Git is ;)
Other random things I worked with: Golang, Dialogflow, Lambdas, Firebase, Google Maps API Additional things worth knowing: I am TDD addict and unit tests worshipper.
I love what I do. Programming can be great challenge and keep mind in shape. Also I am constantly learning, but at this point in my life I very much enjoy also sharing my knowledge with others.