Working and growing with awesome people
Projects I participated in:
App to manage technicians appointments at client's
Worked on: Everything
Used: React Native, Node.js, AWS Lambda
DAZN 2.0
Watch sports live and on demand anytime, anywhere
Worked on: Was working on projects within DAZN: Contact Us, Help, LiveChat, Chatbot. This was part of massive rearchitect of platform and is not yet online.
Used: React, Node.js, ES7, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS EC2, Terraform, Dialogflow, Salesforce, Ava, Jest, Cucumber...
Tommy Hilfiger Loyalty App
Worked on: Built project from ground up together with team. Create and supported API, integrated headless CMS and other 3-d party services. Worked on mobile app itself. Setup CI.
Used: React Native, React, Node.js, ES6, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Knex.js, Heroku, Kue.js, Contentful (Headless CMS)
G-Star Raw
Official online store.
Worked on: Made website responsive. Worked on navigation (site and top). Worked on filters, lookbook, footer, product detail pages. BEMified project.
Used: html5, css3, JavaScript, scss, mustache, GruntJS, RequireJS, jQuery, AJAX
G-Star Raw Storefinder
Find G-Star Raw shop in your country.
Worked on: Created Storefinder based on Google Maps API. Created chinese version (Google Maps are banned there) based on Sogou API.
Used: html5, css3, JavaScript, scss, mustache, GruntJS, RequireJS, jQuery, AJAX
G-Star Raw Outlet
Official outlet online store.
Worked on: Participated in creating new fully featured G-Star outlet site.
Used: html5, css3, JavaScript, scss, mustache, GruntJS, RequireJS, jQuery, AJAX
Games at Over 50,000 games to choose from online.
Worked on: Layout, UI, UX
Used: html5, css3, scss, jquery, javascript, ruby on rails, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
A single login for hundreds of sites, games, and applications.
Worked on: Layout, UI, UX
Used: html5, css3, jquery, javascript, ruby on rails, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Freelance works
Standalone projects:
Space for tutors and coaches in Kiev.
Worked on: Designed, created new WordPress theme, custom post types and metaboxes. Filled in content and hosted. Made SEO optimisation.
Used: html5, css3, scss, JavaScript, php, WordPress